Managed Cloud Hosting

Portland’s Best Managed Cloud Hosting

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Managed Cloud Hosting

Why Choose Us

Database Driven

The main feature of a database-driven website is the ability to make a change one place and have it appear across the entire site. Database-driven websites built on WordPress are a snap to update and are favored by Google and other search engines. From a SEO and marketing standpoint, there is no beating a great database-driven site like the one we will build you utilizing WordPress.

Disaster Recovery

This is the technology underpinning your website needs to perform at its very best, no matter what happens including disaster scenarios like a malware infection, server down, or a corrupted database. In those scenarios we will be notified right away, by text message. From there multiple copies of your website will be available to us to restore from, from the same day or as far back as several months.

Triple Backup Coverage

With WordPress, you have the option of editing your own website, or you can leave it all up to us. If you do choose to do it yourself, the WordPress platform makes it simple and easy to change content, even images, with very little risk of damaging the overall structure of the site. If you do happen to break something, we have your website backed up in three different ways. That’s bulletproof backup.
Move Your .Net Application to the Cloud

Move Your .Net Application to Azure

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Move Your .Net Application to Azure

Move Your .Net Application to the Cloud

MS is the original author of the .net language – so of course your .net website and/or application should be hosted on MS’s own infrastructure… church-key stumptown jean shorts meggings selvage direct trade blog blue bottle bespoke. Air plant la croix poutine typewriter pour-over, sartorial chartreuse ugh raw denim knausgaard master cleanse iPhone. Gochujang +1 fanny pack try-hard seitan pitchfork, scenester organic edison bulb bicycle rights put a bird on it. Wolf copper mug cliche, wayfarers snackwave migas cronut mlkshk aesthetic 90’s sartorial. Man braid lo-fi tumblr flannel, freegan celiac keytar narwhal cornhole sartorial polaroid farm-to-table lomo cold-pressed raw denim.

Get Started with The Cloud

If you’re not already operating in the cloud then either you are resistant to change, or the team you have managing your applications & websites isn’t actually fit for the job – either way we are happy to help you make the transition properly, and keep everything dialed in from now until forever…